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What can be said about books, that hasn't been said before?


Nothing beats the time spent with a child reading a book! It could be in that special time before bed when the pace of life and our breathing slows...BUT why should that be the only time?


There are so many things to do with a book!

  • Talk about the pictures

  • Notice the similarities and differences from page to page

  • Discuss the setting, the landscape, the weather.

  • Imagine you are a character in the story...would you take the same action?

  • Find a few books with the same illustrator...what do you notice in the way they draw?

  • Enjoy the rhymes in a book and make up your own rhyming words!

  • Read a story with a toy or a friend

  • Ask a family member to 'phone in a story' using FaceTime or similar.

  • Draw your favourite part of the story.

  • Swap books with a neighbour or find a street library.


Remember to look at Non-Fiction books too and use them to spark questions for inquiry and wonder!


Talk about how much you like books and read in front of your children to show the value of books in your family. 


Many libraries are offering alternative ways of borrowing books or sharing story times so check around.


Many authors are reading their stories online .... Alison Lester has been doing it nightly on her facebook page and it is a treat!


Check in here regularly as we upload more stories to our page read by former and current staff at Grove!

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